به قلم: مهاجر از خلیج فارس *87/1/23* 7:57 ع
What could I write for you? O Jesus the son of Saint Mary I"ve been asked to write a letter to you but, what to write? What
Im entirely sure that your heart is severely injured by the day of your ascension till now. Day by day you heart was hurt, so I dont want to hurt it more… yes you know everything better, what to write for you, please tell me what
I dont want mention that the Christianity is destroyed, I dont want to say under your name many things have been done, yes have been done
I cant believe it my God, the oppression, the cruelness; unjustness surrounded the entire world, and surprisingly these have been done under the names of your messengers… I cant believe it never … yes, never
O Prophet Jesus I don’t want to remind you the sad alteration story of Bible, I don’t want to tell you about the deviation of your nation, I dont want to upset you by reviewing these things, of course these are extreme sorrow … but there is some thing beyond: even humanity has been forgotten! Where are the disciples
What shall I expect from the ones who theyve lost their selves in this materialistic world? Surely nothing
O Prophet Jesus! Forgive me for loosing the worlds; believe me its a really hard issue: writing to the prophet of God, the spread of God, the son of Saint Mary… Yes believe me its too hard
My Dear friend, Muslims none Muslims, Christian none Christian, black white, Asian African, American, I don’t mind that from which group you are! I have a world with you; its just enough to be a human, yes the human nation! I have a world with you! Have you ever read through the sayings of Jesus –peace be upon him- I"m so pride to say I"ve read it trough the narrations coming to us by our Imams, the infallible leaders
Let us listen to Jesus at the end of this letter, read and read and believe in! This is Jesus talking with us
1) قال عیسی بن مریم علیه السلام: "یا معشر الحواریین تحببوا الله ببغض اهل المعاصی و تقربوا الی الله بالتباعى عنهم و التمسوا رضاه بسخطهم"
Jesus Christ -peace be upon him- said: O, disciples! By creating enmity with the sinners" manifest your friendship with God; and by keeping aloof from them gain proximity to God; and by expressing anger at them gain Gods satisfaction
2) قال عیسی(ع): لاتتخذوا النیا ربا فتتخذکم عبیدا اکنزوا کنزکم عند من لا یضیعه
Jesus Christ -peace be upon him- said: Don"t let the world be your master, as it makes you its slave. Put your treasures under the care of some one who can look for it and without destroying it
3) قال عیسی بن مریم علیه السلام: "یا معشر الحواریین اعبروا الدنیا و لاتعمروها و اعلموا اصل کل خطیئة حب الدنیا و رب الشهوة اورثت اهلها حزنا طویلا
Jesus Christ -peace be upon him- said: O, disciples! Consider this world as a crossing place only, and do not make your self busy to flourish it. Know that the root of all evils is love of the world, and how often its pleasure brings lasting sorrow
You are not aware when the death would embrace you, so why don"t you get ready before this event actually occurs
4) قال الصادق(ع): "بشر موسی و یوشع بالمسیح فلما ان بعث الله العز وجل المسیح، قال المسیح لهم:" انه سوف یاتی من بعد نبی اسمه احمد من ولد اسماعیل یجی بتصدیقی و تصدیقکم الخبر
Imam Sadiq –peace be upon him- said: the prophet Moses and Joshua gave glad tiding about the coming of Jesus. When he was appointed by God, Jesus said to his disciples: truly a messenger will come after me named Ahmad, from progeny of Ismael, who will confirm us: me as a prophet and you as my followers
5) قال عیسی بن مریم علیه السلام: "ویل للعلما السو کیف تلظی علیهم النار!
Jesus Christ -peace be upon him- said: Woe to all evil scholars! How the fire of hell will blaze on them
6) قال عیسی بن مریم علیه السلام: "ان الشجرة لاتکمل الا بثمرة کذلک لایکمل الدین الا بالحرج عن المحارم
Jesus Christ -peace be upon him- said: Truly, just a tree can"t turn fruitful unless it gives good fruit, in the same way, your religion can not be perfected unless you avoid the sins
7) قال عیسی بن مریم علیه السلام:" بحق اقول لکم ان الحکمة نور کل قلب، و التقوى راس کل کمة، و الحق باب کل خیر، و رحمة الله باب کل حق و مفاتیح ذلک الدعا و التضرع و العمل، و کیف یفتح الباب بغیر مفتاح؟"
Jesus Christ -peace be upon him- said: truly I tell you: Spiritual knowledge lights up the hearts. Piety is the foundation head of all knowledge, truth is the gate of good deeds, while God"s mercy is the gate to leading the truth. The keys to these gates are: invocation, repentance and action. How could be a door opened without its key
احادیث روایاتی ست از ایمه (ع) در سیره عیسی بن مریم(ع) برگرفته از کتاب :انتشارت نباAt the presence of Jesus Christ
tohaf-ul-oghool 6,7) (al-kafi 4,5) (tanbih-ul-kavater 1,2,3)
قلم شما: رد قلم

موج مکزیکی نه این بار موج معنوی ای ما را هم گرفت ! از اینجا دعوت شدیم که نامه ای بنگاریم برای رو ح خدا مسیح عیسی بن مریم، علیه و علی نبینا السلام . برای نوآوری ! به انگلیسی نگاشتیم که شاید در موتورهای جستجو روزی راه گشایی برای فردی باشد . از غلط های نگارشی به علت کدینگ فارسی پارسی بلاگ پوزش می طلبم.
What could I write for you? O Jesus the son of Saint Mary I"ve been asked to write a letter to you but, what to write? What
Im entirely sure that your heart is severely injured by the day of your ascension till now. Day by day you heart was hurt, so I dont want to hurt it more… yes you know everything better, what to write for you, please tell me what
I dont want mention that the Christianity is destroyed, I dont want to say under your name many things have been done, yes have been done
I cant believe it my God, the oppression, the cruelness; unjustness surrounded the entire world, and surprisingly these have been done under the names of your messengers… I cant believe it never … yes, never
O Prophet Jesus I don’t want to remind you the sad alteration story of Bible, I don’t want to tell you about the deviation of your nation, I dont want to upset you by reviewing these things, of course these are extreme sorrow … but there is some thing beyond: even humanity has been forgotten! Where are the disciples
What shall I expect from the ones who theyve lost their selves in this materialistic world? Surely nothing
O Prophet Jesus! Forgive me for loosing the worlds; believe me its a really hard issue: writing to the prophet of God, the spread of God, the son of Saint Mary… Yes believe me its too hard
My Dear friend, Muslims none Muslims, Christian none Christian, black white, Asian African, American, I don’t mind that from which group you are! I have a world with you; its just enough to be a human, yes the human nation! I have a world with you! Have you ever read through the sayings of Jesus –peace be upon him- I"m so pride to say I"ve read it trough the narrations coming to us by our Imams, the infallible leaders
Let us listen to Jesus at the end of this letter, read and read and believe in! This is Jesus talking with us
1) قال عیسی بن مریم علیه السلام: "یا معشر الحواریین تحببوا الله ببغض اهل المعاصی و تقربوا الی الله بالتباعى عنهم و التمسوا رضاه بسخطهم"
Jesus Christ -peace be upon him- said: O, disciples! By creating enmity with the sinners" manifest your friendship with God; and by keeping aloof from them gain proximity to God; and by expressing anger at them gain Gods satisfaction
2) قال عیسی(ع): لاتتخذوا النیا ربا فتتخذکم عبیدا اکنزوا کنزکم عند من لا یضیعه
Jesus Christ -peace be upon him- said: Don"t let the world be your master, as it makes you its slave. Put your treasures under the care of some one who can look for it and without destroying it
3) قال عیسی بن مریم علیه السلام: "یا معشر الحواریین اعبروا الدنیا و لاتعمروها و اعلموا اصل کل خطیئة حب الدنیا و رب الشهوة اورثت اهلها حزنا طویلا
Jesus Christ -peace be upon him- said: O, disciples! Consider this world as a crossing place only, and do not make your self busy to flourish it. Know that the root of all evils is love of the world, and how often its pleasure brings lasting sorrow
You are not aware when the death would embrace you, so why don"t you get ready before this event actually occurs
4) قال الصادق(ع): "بشر موسی و یوشع بالمسیح فلما ان بعث الله العز وجل المسیح، قال المسیح لهم:" انه سوف یاتی من بعد نبی اسمه احمد من ولد اسماعیل یجی بتصدیقی و تصدیقکم الخبر
Imam Sadiq –peace be upon him- said: the prophet Moses and Joshua gave glad tiding about the coming of Jesus. When he was appointed by God, Jesus said to his disciples: truly a messenger will come after me named Ahmad, from progeny of Ismael, who will confirm us: me as a prophet and you as my followers
5) قال عیسی بن مریم علیه السلام: "ویل للعلما السو کیف تلظی علیهم النار!
Jesus Christ -peace be upon him- said: Woe to all evil scholars! How the fire of hell will blaze on them
6) قال عیسی بن مریم علیه السلام: "ان الشجرة لاتکمل الا بثمرة کذلک لایکمل الدین الا بالحرج عن المحارم
Jesus Christ -peace be upon him- said: Truly, just a tree can"t turn fruitful unless it gives good fruit, in the same way, your religion can not be perfected unless you avoid the sins
7) قال عیسی بن مریم علیه السلام:" بحق اقول لکم ان الحکمة نور کل قلب، و التقوى راس کل کمة، و الحق باب کل خیر، و رحمة الله باب کل حق و مفاتیح ذلک الدعا و التضرع و العمل، و کیف یفتح الباب بغیر مفتاح؟"
Jesus Christ -peace be upon him- said: truly I tell you: Spiritual knowledge lights up the hearts. Piety is the foundation head of all knowledge, truth is the gate of good deeds, while God"s mercy is the gate to leading the truth. The keys to these gates are: invocation, repentance and action. How could be a door opened without its key
احادیث روایاتی ست از ایمه (ع) در سیره عیسی بن مریم(ع) برگرفته از کتاب :انتشارت نباAt the presence of Jesus Christ
tohaf-ul-oghool 6,7) (al-kafi 4,5) (tanbih-ul-kavater 1,2,3)
قلم شما: رد قلم